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Greg Strong [GS] wrote:

ACM>> Nope. My agony occurred while I still used a dial-up modem
ACM>> connection.

GS> I stand corrected. It is interesting that some have problems while
GS> others do not. What OS did you use at the time? Was it
GS> intermittent problem not identifiable, or otherwise?

At the time I was running Win2k SP1. So far, all that I witnessed
having the same problems as I had were running Win2k as well. It would
therefore seem to be a Win2k specific problem. Note however, that not
all Win2k users that use ZA have problems.

Those running Win98 don't seem to have problems of the nature I've
been referring to. I have no idea about XP but I'd watch out as an XP
user since it's just the later version of Win2k.

The problem was intermittent at first and always cured by a reboot.
Sometimes I had to reboot multiple times to correct the problem.
Initially the connection problems occurred only with TB!, then it
progressed to involve my internet connection in general. Disabling ZA
didn't help and it was this part that was most devastating in terms of
the frustration. I felt that disabling the firewall should nullify any
connection problems ZA would cause. Well, it didn't, and it took a
while for me to realize this. I was blaming Win2k the whole time!!

There's one good thing that came out of the experience. This was my
sensitization to the fact that adverse software interactions are
common and can be very difficult to pick up since we often blame the
malfunctioning application as the direct cause of the problem. Though
the application itself will usually be the cause of problems confined
to use of the application itself, don't forget the lurking software
interaction ESPECIALLY when others cannot reproduce the problem you're

- --
 -=Allie C Martin=-
List Moderator | TB! v1.61 | Windows XP Pro
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