Hello Allie,

Sunday, July 14, 2002, 9:49:54 PM, you wrote:

ACM> Disabling ZA didn't help and it was this part that was most
ACM> devastating in terms of the frustration.

ACM> There's one good thing that came out of the experience. This was my
ACM> sensitization to the fact that adverse software interactions are
ACM> common and can be very difficult to pick up since we often blame the
ACM> malfunctioning application as the direct cause of the problem. Though
ACM> the application itself will usually be the cause of problems confined
ACM> to use of the application itself, don't forget the lurking software
ACM> interaction ESPECIALLY when others cannot reproduce the problem you're
ACM> experiencing.

Key words to me appear to be frustration, sensitization, &
interaction. Been there & did that.

Little OT, but from experience you didn't mention one other important
factor/possibility that is of hardware being put in the mix. I had
situation between 2 versions of SW installed simultaneously. It was
suppose to be ok. The problem was intermittent. Did everything SW
company/support engineer told me. I was on CIS forum and somebody had
the sure solution. It didn't work.

It has clearly been documented by others that installation of both
versions of SW can work WITHOUT problems. I began to realize the
possibility of hardware being part of the mix of the problem. It is
the main reason I run dual boot system to separate the 2 versions of
SW to isolate and help solve problem. Never did find the problem, and
still occurs intermittently.

I did LEARN from the experience. I've took that experience
incorporated into use of other software and configuration to provide
what I believe to be best solution for running MY system & providing

Best regards,

Greg Strong                     
TB! v1.60q/Post5 on Windows 98  

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