Hello Roelof,

Tuesday, October 29, 2002, 11:51:53 AM, you wrote:

MO>>> And, if you haven't found it yet, the keyboard combination you're
MO>>> looking for is CTRL-ALT-SHIFT-L.
MB>> Yes. Just came in on an earlier Post.

RO> That's odd. The only other post regarding this key combo I received
RO> was mine and Marcus' message was created ten minutes before mine. Am I
RO> missing messages?

No, just the two. I didn't express myself clearly. My machine shows
your post created at 9:08 and Marcus's at 9:16. But my ISP server gave
both of them to me at 9:17 in a batch of 5. I read them
chronologically according to the arrangement the server (or TB, don't
know which) gave. So I read Marcus's first and yours last of the 5.
In my head, that made his "earlier." :) <g>

I guess it's a server thing, plus the fact that I haven't got this
latest download of TB threaded yet. May we should send this whole "time"
apparent paradox over to the "Time Travel" thread on TBOT. <vbg>

The only file I found out of pocket was a .dbx with a Windows flag on
it, in Windows. Not in a folder, just Windows proper. TBat! is in C:/
Program files. I couldn't move it, though. It wouldn't go when I told
it to.

Oh, well, I don't really need it. There are the TBUDL archives, and
I'm picking up the addresses again pretty rapidly.

It makes me feel so supported to hear from you.


Best regards,
 Mary                            mailto:mrbull@;premiernet.net

Current version is 1.61 | "Using TBUDL" information:

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