Hello Roelof,

Tuesday, October 29, 2002, 9:03:09 AM, you wrote:

JN>>> As for your message files, if they are still on your hard drive, I
JN>>> believe that there is a key combination which will force TB! to look

RO>  Try <Ctrl><Shift><Alt><L> to search for lost folders

I will do this. Thanks.

RO> If your new account isn't installed in the same directory as your old
RO> account, you need to move the sub-folders to your new account and
RO> search again for lost folders.

I put it in the default offered by The Wizard both times. (If that's
what you are saying. I'm not sure I understood this part.)

Best regards,
 Mary                            mailto:mrbull@;premiernet.net

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