Hi Nick,

On Friday, November 1, 2002 14:42 your local time, which was 12:42 my
local time, Nick Danger [ND] wrote;

ND> If there's multiple messages, then even though you delete a message it
ND> still ends up in the filter to folder.  If there's three messages (as
ND> an example) and as I read them I delete them, the first two still end
ND> up in the filtered to folder, the last message will actually be
ND> deleted.

I used to use automatic read filters right from my inbox. Probably 75%
of the ones I'd read, I'd want to delete rather than filter to the
folder. Problem was, even though I was hitting the delete in the
message, it was still getting forwarded to the folder, which wasn't what
I wanted.

Therefore, I've totally re-worked my filters and they are all manual and
working as hot-keys using PowerPro.

ND> Does that seem like a "normal" way it should work to anyone?

I don't believe that it should still filter a deleted message. Maybe
it's just the order the system runs it in, but I would prefer it to only
filter the massages that haven't been read and then deleted.

This is just what happened in my situation and to be honest, I actually
prefer the way I have it set-up now.



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