Hello Richard,

Monday, November 4, 2002, 3:39:10 AM, you wrote:

RW>> Ye gods, where (or in which message) was that because I can't see it
RW>> here? My sig is all in English - I can't speak German - and I've
RW>> checked my posting in this thread (I presume it's where you are talking
RW>> about) and can't see any German at all!

Well, of course you can't see any German. Because you didn't put any German.

I had been following the exchange between you and Thomas--BTW, interesting
and right on topic. I was feeling mischievous, and when I saw Thomas's sig
in German (referring to two historical persons of interest, J.S. Bach,
the musician, and Immanuel Kant, the philosopher), I thought he should
share the little joke with non-German speakers. It's a species of pun.
I got it, but I don't have enough German to put it well into English.
Thomas is fluent in both languages. It is off-topic, however, and I
think we should take further discussion to tbot.

Are you subscribed there? It's an interesting list.

RW> Oops, just realised the message was to Thomas and not me, I just saw
RW> the "Hello Richard" bit even though it was a quote.

I can see how it happened. My salutation to Thomas and the reference
to his reply to your post were not in color. And there, right on top
was "Hello Richard" (the quoted Thomas salutation to you) in living
color. Well, I'm new to the format of this List, and perhaps too much
inclined to levity. I didn't mean to entrap you.

RW> Is there any way of withdrawing a badly posted message such as my last
RW> one? :-(

Not badly posted. Just hastily so. I've done worse, and quite
recently. :)


Best regards,
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