Hello rick,

Thursday, March 6, 2003, 4:25:56 AM, you wrote:

TF>> I am using PC-Cillin, and while I am quite happy with it, it does not
TF>> reliably catch viruses that are in attached files when downloading
TF>> mails.

r> PC-Cillin is not very good.  Independent testing done by virus
r> bulletin clearly shows this.  It has 4 passes and 7 failures.
r> http://www.virusbtn.com/vb100/archives/products.xml?trend.xml

Been there, seen it. None of the tests is of any use to me. No PC-Cillin 2000 on a Win 
98SE. Nor did I find anything about other subjects than detecting viruses. What's the 
use of anti-virus-software if it blocks you computer?  

I've been using PC-Cillin for years now. Almost 24 hours a day online. No virus was 
ever able to do any harm on the 2 computers that have PC-Cillin installed. The third 
one is using the free Antivir. Worms keep on getting through even with the latest 
update installed (happened only yesterday - removed it with PC-Cillin) and I think I 
will install a substitute for it soon. 

But who am I to blame Antivir? After all it's a free version!
And since I'm not the one who uses the PC in question, I'm not even sure if it really 
is Antivir that is failing, or if it's the user that gives the wrong response when 
detecting a virus?

I've downloaded the trialversion of NOD32 and will decide then. Better be VEEEEEEEEERY 
GOOD, with all the fuzz they're making! :-)

Best Whishes,
using The Bat! 1.63 Beta/7

Current version is 1.62 | "Using TBUDL" information:

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