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 On Wednesday, March 05, 2003 at 11:53:49GMT -0800 (which was 2:53 PM where I live)
  Melissa Reese wrote and made these points on the subject of "Antivirus":
MR> On Wednesday, March 05, 2003, at 11:23:59 AM PST, David Calvarese
MR> wrote:

MR> Daily updates only really help if new definitions are actually
MR> included in those updates. New viruses are introduced often, but if a
MR> an a-v company produces "updates" every day just to satisfy a "we
MR> update daily" promise, I do sometimes wonder just what is in those
MR> little daily updates. That said, I had Panda Platinum for a year, and
MR> it seemed competent...though a bit heavier on my system than NOD32
MR> (most others are heavier than NOD32).

Panda does give you a summary of the new virus defs add and the total
number of viruses now covered at the end of each update, if you don't
turn off the notification.

>> I'm using the free AVG at the moment, but it doesn't seem to update
>> the virus definitions very often, which is a bad thing.

MR> See comments above (though I do feel that AVG has its problems, and I
MR> generally don't recommend it).

It just feels wrong to me for some reason... A gut reaction.

>> First time I ran Panda on my PC at work, it picked up a whopping 210
>> infections that NAV didn't.

MR> I sure hope those were just unexecuted "infected files", and not 210
MR> actual infections running amok through your machine! :-)

210 Actual infected files, spanning 15 viruses.  Stupid NAV and stupid
sister company that was sending the viruses to us.

>> What about Kaspersky?

MR> KAV is very good.  I used it during its 3.x series, but found that 4.x
MR> (at least when it was first released) slowed down my computer even
MR> more than 3.x (which already slowed my system much more than NOD32).

MR> After trying and/or using many, I'm most happy with NOD32.

Wish they had a free version.  I suppose I'll just have to give it a

- --
Best regards,
"Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man's character, give 
him power." (Abraham Lincoln)
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