On Thursday, September 4, 2003, 11:09:37 PM, David wrote:

> (Yikes, we're strident on this list today. Please read before kicking
> us. Perhaps the CM product is not well understood yet.)

As an owner of several lists, one run on genuine Listserv software, the
others on Mojo Mail, I have had to copy what other list owners are doing
and that is to tell members that if they use challenge-and-response
software that they need to understand and use the associated
whitelists. Most list software either cannot respond to such a
challenge or can only respond from a different address to that used
for the original.

The result is that challenge-and-response anti-spam systems are a
nightmare for list owners, even when, as mine are, they are lists
populated by the reasonably computer savvy.

A personal view on anti-spam efforts which do more harm than good is
at <http://www.melbpc.org.au/pcupdate/2302/2302article4.htm>

Gordon Woolf
The Worsley Press
Hastings, Victoria, Australia
www.worsleypress.com  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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