Hello Tony,

On Saturday, June 12, 2004, at 15:20, you wrote:

T> When I decrypt a message I wants to save a file.
T> I only need security while transfering the email so I want a decrypted version in 
my Inbox.
T> So that I can reply to it etc.

Early versions of The Bat! acted just like this -- during decryption,
decrypted version of message was created. Then user could choose
either delete encrypted message and keep decrypted or read decrypted
message and delete it leaving encrypted message.

Unfortunately now The Bat! just shows decrypted message in a window
and when you close the window -- decrypted message is done. That's
very inconvenient in my point of view, especially because The Bat! does
not automatically decrypt messages in preview pane and it's not
possible to perform search on encrypted messages...

I really liked that old behaviour It would be grate that it would be
re-introduced in future versions.

Using The Bat! 2.11.02 on Windows 2000 Service Pack 4

Current version is 2.11.02 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

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