Tony, [T] wrote:

>   I'm a long time Forte Agent user that's looking for a client
> that didn't stop development 5 years ago...

I used Forte' Agent prior to using TB! myself.

> I've been looking through some FAQs but I couldn't find the
> (complete) answers there. Partly because I have the impression the
> FAQ is for v1.x and the v2.x interface is very diffrent.

There's more there that is pertinent to your questions than you would
think. :)

> I have a fully working copy of PGP v8 installed. When I decrypt a
> message I wants to save a file. I only need security while
> transfering the email so I want a decrypted version in my Inbox. So
> that I can reply to it etc.

You can reply to the decrypted version that shows in another tab upon
doing the decryption. Are you using the PGP v8 integration.

However, you cannot save the decrypted version. An unfortunate loss of
functionality there.

> --- Filtering ---

> I can only filter on simple things like sender. But TB! site
> mentions it's filtering as one of it's key strengths. So obviously
> I'm overlooking ways to filter on any part of the full header. I
> hope :P

It would seem that you're using only the fast creation of filters
feature. If you open the filters panel by hitting Shift+CTRL+S, you'll
now have the full-blown panel with all filtering features at your
disposal. It's indeed very powerful.

> In an old FAQ (pdf file) there is an interview with one of the TB!
> programmers. A Newsgroup plug in is mentioned in that interview. But
> on the site no info can be found about it. Please enlight me! :D

I don't know if they have this planned for anytime soon, but then
there's then, as Thomas says, there's MyGate.

> --- Misc ---
> Are there any newbie sites with things like:
> - plug ins

There's no formal collection that I know of.

> - scripts
> - templates

There's the template repository.

Be sure to read the tbudlinfo web pages. A lot of important and useful
information is there.

-=[ Allie ]=- (List Moderator and fellow end-user)

Running The Bat! v2.11.04 on WinXP Pro (SP1) 

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