Saturday, June 12, 2004, 10:32:35 AM, you wrote:

Tony>I'm a long time Forte Agent user that's looking for a client
Tony>that didn't stop development 5 years ago...

AM> I used Forte' Agent prior to using TB! myself.

    I still use Agent for usenet.  I've always used programs that
specialize in a certain field.  I couldn't imagine using a mail
program to use as a mail reader.  And while Agent will do e-mail
it doesn't have very good features for that use.  Before I came
to TB! I used Eudora.  I never have regretted my switch, as
Eudora became to bloated and slow.  Oh, and paying for upgrades
with every version didn't strike my fancy either.  I think if you
give TB! a chance you'll be really happy with it.

David Shepherd

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