Hello Edvinas,
EM> On Saturday, June 12, 2004, at 15:20, you wrote:

T>> When I decrypt a message TB! wants to save a file.
T>> I only need security while transfering the email so I want a decrypted version in 
my Inbox.
T>> So that I can reply to it etc.

EM> Early versions of The Bat! acted just like this -- during decryption,
EM> decrypted version of message was created. Then user could choose
EM> either delete encrypted message and keep decrypted or read decrypted
EM> message and delete it leaving encrypted message.
That sounds ok with me.

EM> Unfortunately now The Bat! just shows decrypted message in a window
EM> and when you close the window -- decrypted message is done. That's
EM> very inconvenient in my point of view, especially because The Bat! does
EM> not automatically decrypt messages in preview pane and it's not
EM> possible to perform search on encrypted messages...
Besides from that it looks like a complete waste of programming time.
(no pun intended)
Using the (copy to clipboard) method supported by PGP works easier.
I don't call that a plugin or integration.
I must be careful with comments because I'm testdriving TB! for only 3
days.... But it looks so very Un Batish to me.
I'm still a bit lost in TB! interface (my problem) but in those 3 days
I already have the impression that TB! coders spend 50% off their time
on a feature and 50% on putting it into TB!.
And that's meant as a positive comment. So many coders just bung in a
few options that look cool in their sales pitch and that's it.
TB! seems to give the streamlining high priority too.

EM> I really liked that old behaviour It would be grate that it would be
EM> re-introduced in future versions.
I vote yes for that too!

Best regards,
 Tony, Soon to be converted Agent?

Current version is 2.11.02 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

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