Hello MAU,

On Saturday, September 4, 2004, 9:44:32 AM, you wrote:

> Hello Lynn,

JG>>> Agent does this and, since I keep all my 'well behaved' apps on the
JG>>> D: drive, after an OS re-install they are all available for
JG>>> immediate use, since they don't need any registry settings to work.
>> It would certainly be a godsend if they'd all do that; I had to reload
>> the system recently, too, but I am a *long* way from getting my apps
>> all reinstalled .. and as you say, they are all sitting intact on the
>> D partition, but unusable.

> I won't say the Registry is the best of the "inventions" but, think of
> something. What if you and me were to share the same machine as
> different Windows users (i.e. with different login). Whose settings and
> Preferences should TB keep in the ini file? Should we share the same
> message base (i.e. mail directory)? Even if we use different mail
> accounts we would be forced to password protect each account and, even
> so, why should I see your accounts in my folder tree and you see mine in
> yours? Etc., etc., etc. Try it. Create another user and then log off and
> login as the new user and see what happens.


(a) Anybody who touches *my* computer gets their fingers chopped off!
(b) How about TB! asks which user you are and then uses jeff.ini,
lynne.ini, miguel.ini etc? In fact I might patent that idea.
(c) MS started to recommend individual configuration files some time
back, surely we all do what MS says without question ;-)

Best wishes
Jeff Gaines Damerham Hampshire UK

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