
,- - [ Le mercredi 22 mars 2006 vers 22:50 Alexander S. Kunz écrivait: ] - -
>> OK, does this suit you better. I've temporarily switched to MicroEd to
>> see how things go for a few days. I've no doubt that you'll notice if
>> I switch back. How does it look at your end now I've switched?

> Much better - the text is nicely wrapped now.

That's only a matter of taste, for me, your text is wrapped too small, your
message only use 1/4 of the width of my screen, leaving 75% of unused white
space (in fact gray, i do not like white background to read emails, especialy
when 75% of the width is unused and filled by the background :))...

It's something i never understood : why the width of the display should be
defined by the writer of a mail and not by the recipient ?  the writer cannot
know wich screen the recipient would use, resulting most of the time in a
wrongly defined wrap width...  

When a mail is not hardwrapped, as the reader, if i want to read the mail with
76 columns, i just ask it to my mail reader program, but if i want to use a
bigger or a smaller width i still can...  when the mail is hard wrapped i
cannot, the writer choosed for me the width i *must* use.

Much more : try to read a hardwrapped mail (76 columns) on a 70 columns screen,
it's a real pain (yes : i read sometimes my emails on a pda, with less than 76
columns width).

I respect the rules of the list, thus i've also hardwrapped this mail, but can
someone tell me if it's possible with TheBat to use a different wrapping
settings depending of the folder or the recipient ?  I would like when i compose
a mail for some lists to use a fixed wrapping at 76 with microed, and for other
lists allowing softwrap the windows editor without hardwrap ?

`- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Best regards...
(_'  L'informatique est ma passion, vous la simplifier, mon métier !
,_)téphane Bouvard [antarex AT freenet DOT be] http://www.antarex.be

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