
I'm new to this group but not to TheBat!  I appreciate the mail
filtering suggestions and will add my system to the mix.

Messages are marked read automatically when viewed for six seconds.
(I would forget to mark them as read otherwise). But then, If I
determine a message needs action, I flag the message.

Using the wonderful virtual folders of TheBat, I created a folder that
contains all messages that are flagged but not replied. I also have a
script that unflags messages that I reply to - I forget how I did
that, but can supply details if interested. That way, when the
messages leave the virtual flagged folder (after I reply to them),
they don't retain the flag.

I'm not totally there yet, my inbox has a couple thousand messages,
because I don't do anything with them, but this has to change...  I
will probably make a filter do delete messages that are three months
old if they are read, unflagged and not parked.

An important message that I will refer to again several times, I will

As I mentioned, I am not totally satisfied with my system and I am
only scratching the surface of what TheBat! can do, so keep the
suggestions coming.

Thanks Roger for the spacebar tip.  I've been using TheBat! for at
least four years but this is new to me.  Am I supposed to read the
manual or something?!


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