Friday, April 27, 2007, 7:45:03 PM, you wrote:
M> Hello Michael,

>> I'm experimenting with using filters for read messages. I've been filtering
>> incoming mail for some time with good success. My goal is to have mail from
>> common people or domains automatically go to the proper folder after I'm
>> done with it.

M> What you want to do is similar to the set up I have.

M> - I have addresses for what you call 'common people' in my address book
M> and they all belong to a same Group.

M> - I have an Incoming filter that checks if Sender belongs to Group and,
M> if so, the message is moved to a folder that I called 'My Inbox'.

M> - In Account/Properties/Options I have disabled (deselected) the 'Mark
M> message as read when it has been read for..' so that messages are NOT
M> marked as read after N seconds. I want to decide when I am _done_ with a
M> message and I manually mark them as read with Ctrl+M (Actually, I have
M> customised this to use Space).

M> - It is this manually marking as read what triggers Read filters, and I
M> basically have two, both of them only looking (applying) to My Inbox
M> folder:
M>    Filter 1.- If the message IS flagged, the message is moved to an
M>    'Action-Reply' folder. (This way, if I want to reply later or take
M>    further action, I flag the message before marking it as Read).
M>    Filter 2.- This filter will only trigger if 1 hasn't but, anyway, it
M>    checks if the message is NOT flagged and then moves the message to
M>    folder '\\Account\Group\%ABFromName'.

M> - I then have a Replied filter that similarly to Read filter 2, "looks"
M> only to folder 'Action-Reply' and moves the replied message to
M> '\\Account\Group\%ABFromName'. This one, together with an Outgoing
M> filter that checks if "Address groups. Group contain first recipient",
M> move both the message I have just replied to and my own reply to folder
M> '\\Account\Group\%ABFromName'.

M> HTH. But if something is not clear enough or you need more detail,
M> please ask.

>> So now I have a few questions for the experts!
>> - If 'Manual' is not selected, when is mail filtered in a folder?

M> AFAIK, when manually marking it as read.

>> - Will mail filter out of any folder? If so, I guess I can use a
>>   condition to only filter out of the Inbox.

M> Read and Replied filters have an extra 'Folders' tab where you can
M> select if the filter applies to 'Any folder' or just to one or more
M> folders.

>> - I put a button on the toolbar to refilter. It's now 3 clicks to filter a
>>   folder (Refilter button, OK, Close). Is there any way to have the
>>   refilter process run without as much interaction (fewer clicks)?

M> Not that I know of. But I think you don't really need to use
M> 'Re-filter'.

I just flagged your message. I'll have to look at a bit more thoroughly
when I have a chance. I'm going to take your ideas and let the read filters
work automatically. Just need a few minutes to wrap my mind around this.

Thanks for the suggestions. I may write back when I'm actually implementing

Michael Rudnick                         

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