Tuesday, August 18, 2009, at 1:05:18 PM, MFPA wrote:

> How difficult can it be for an email client to send the message-id of
> the email it replies to in a "follow-up" header? And does that mean
> you get messages with subjects starting, "Re: Re[2]:" (-;

Not difficult at all, but it's all up to the folk who write the program and
my experience is that most Microsoft mail programs omit this vital
threading data.

Yes, I do get such messages, and drag them to the proper spot for
re-threading in the message list.

As for what is happening with the header in this message, my best guess is
that the whole subject line of your message is being copied, including the
[2]. If the old template were still being used, the number would have
incremented to 4 on my previous reply, and thence to 6 for this one. The
absence of any increment tells me that the new template is working as
expected; the unexpected part is that the old [2] addition didn't get
erased from the previous reply!

Jim Kyle

Using The Bat! v4.0.34 on Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600
Service Pack 3 on VMWare Server 2 under Xubuntu 8.04.3
with AntiSpamSniper Version

Current version is | 'Using TBUDL' information:

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