Brian Mathis <> writes:

> I think you missed the point there.  ALL of the risk is to *your
> business*, so you're the one who needs to mitigate it.  When you go
> this route you also need to be monitoring the total circuit usage and
> if you see spikes or the general water mark getting too high, that's
> your cue to get a higher capacity circuit or move some systems to
> other circuits.

see this is what I'm trying to avoid.   Oversubscribing power has serious
negative consiquences, and if I can get it cheap enough that I don't 
have to oversubscribe, I will potentially be providing a more valuable
service, with less work for me, than I would be if I were oversubscribing.

> You definitely need to be aware of the max possible draw of each
> device, so you know how much you can oversell each circuit, and based
> on your initial description, you're running a low margin business and
> there you must rely on walking that thin line.

My hope was that I could figure out a way to not oversubscribe that
circut.   e.g.  you have 1/4th of that circut, and you can't use more.  
(if you go over, your breaker blows.)  This way, I don't need to 
worry about how much each piece of equipment works.   If your ports exceed
your power draw, your ports get shut off.   I've lowered my cost (meaning
I can lower my retail price)   and the end user experience is a lot more
like what they'd get with a full circuit, e.g. if I oversubscribe power, your
uptime is a /lot/ more dependent on my compitence in managing that 
oversubscription than if I hard partition the power. 

> As already mentioned, you can get smart PSUs and some of them have the
> ability to shut down systems based on priority, in case someone goes
> over.  There's probably a feature to shut down on specific port usage,
> but I would only activate that if you were in an "over" situation.

Yeah.  from what others have said, the PDU is the way forward, rather than
seperate circuit breakers, even if I want to automatically shut people off
when they exceed the threshold.  
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