On Friday, 17 December 2010, (private) HKS <hks.priv...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Thu, Dec 16, 2010 at 4:47 AM, Joachim Schipper
> <joac...@joachimschipper.nl> wrote:
>> On Wed, Dec 15, 2010 at 07:04:27PM +0000, Kevin Chadwick wrote:
>>> "Jason L. Wright" <ja...@thought.net> wrote:
>>> >I cannot fathom his motivation for writing such falsehood
>>> >The real work on OCF did not begin in earnest until February 2000.
>>> I can't see how this gives you credibility but maybe the people who
>>> worked with you at the time can understand how your evidence supports
>>> what you say.
>> While the whole thing is most likely FUD, Perry did say
>>  Jason Wright and several other developers were responsible for those
>>  backdoors, and you would be well advised to review any and all code
>>  commits by Wright as well as the other developers he worked with
>>  originating from NETSEC.
>> so it's not like Jason is the only one.
>>                Joachim
> OpenBSD is a great product, but y'all are too easily trolled.
> His NDA with the FBI *expired* so he 1) discloses information that's
> privileged at the very least and a political stick of dynamite at
> worst, 2) discloses it in a private forum to an individual known for
> his transparency and total lack of tact, 3) doesn't bother contacting
> anyone in the press about it, 4) claims to know various other pundits
> are "on the FBI payroll," and 5) claims that the FBI deliberately
> compromised an open source project in order to spy on its parent
> organization and other government agencies.
> Here's a tip: when a government organization works with private
> contractors to help them spy on other government organizations, those
> NDAs don't fucking expire.
> Jesus.

That is what I would expect.

>From memory, in my part of the World if you did this sort of work for
an intelligence agency, your role and work is kept secret until 40
years *after* your death.

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