On Wed, 15 Dec 2010 10:27:31 -0800
"Jason L. Wright" <ja...@thought.net> wrote:

> I
> cannot fathom his motivation for writing such falsehood (delusions
> of grandeur or a self-promotion attempt perhaps?)


Promote his domains rank in google or the facebook link? (Does anyone
know if he always puts facebook links in mails)

Wants IPSEC audited for some reason?

Divert devs attention from something else?

If it's one of these reasons or any other alterior motive then that's
just dispicible.

However, NDAs often last for 10 years which either adds weight to
the well thought urban myth theory or to the possibility that it may be
the truth.

>The real work on OCF did not begin in earnest until February 2000.

I can't see how this gives you credibility but maybe the people who
worked with you at the time can understand how your evidence supports
what you say.

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