On Fri, Dec 17, 2010 at 11:39 PM, Pawel Veselov <pawel.vese...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Whoa, wait a second here. B If you think I gave it credibility, you
> > need to go back and read my words again. B I called it an allegation,
> > and I stick with that. B I was extremely careful with my words, and you
> > are wrong to interpret them as you do.
> Look, if somebody like me posted something like this here, it would be just
> plain dismissed.

So it is good that Theo posted it here.
He is serious about this allegation. Serious about proving if it is
true or false.
He has opened the invitation to any in order to acheive the objective.
And he and others are dong the needful the outcome of which you will
be able to see in a a couple or more of days.

> If Perry posted his email here, he'd just be under fire to
> show some or any proof.

Well may be Theo does not fell the urge to push away responsibility on others?
Being the project leader he is doing just what a responsible and
accountable person will do.

>The reason this was so widely picked up
> and generated so much flame and buzz, is because you posted it here.

So would you prefer he kept it secret?

> It's an unfortunate consequence of a right action, really. I'm not even
> remotely saying that you intended to give it weight, or that you
> should've swept it under the rug.

Then waht are you tring to say?



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