On Wed, 15 Dec 2010 14:57:24 -0700
Tobias Weingartner <weing...@tepid.org> wrote:

>  So in this case, you're the one that is out of
> line.

If your talking to me then I tried to make it clear that I was sitting
on the fence. I was going to go further but then figured that would be
leaning in one direction. I certainly wouldn't want to offend anyone I
don't know but I'm not going to defend them or help their case if I
don't know whether they're guilty or not either.

If your putting evidence forward, then logic dictates that the same
reasoning applies in that it doesn't clear you unquestionably unless it
proves something which is why I asked if it did. Don't get me started
about law, because it's more about money than justice and please don't
read between my lines.

For what it's worth, my opinion which is irrelevant on the basis of next
to no evidence was that Jason is likely the one telling the truth and
I'm sure the people in the community that count to him will have a
better idea than me.

My intention was not to drag anyone through the mud but only help people
get to the truth, sorry if it also seemed like that to anyone else. If
he's wrongly accused for financial gain then that is truly terrible.

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