On Sun, Nov 09, 2014 at 10:02:32PM +0000, Stuart Henderson wrote:
> I was answering the specific point about "the _exact_ same state as a
> clean 5.6 installation" there.
> There are some specific cases where it makes a lot of sense to tell
> people to rm things (e.g. base program moved to ports). And some cases
> where it really doesn't matter (old gcc-lib, site_perl dirs), people
> who particularly want a cleaned-up system will use find, others won't
> care. And some like this where it could probably go either way..

If during the upgrade you decide to continue using the then non-default
MTA I consider that a local change. 

Documentation helps identify which parts of your system are
non-5.6-default. In the case of rwho & friends it should have been
documentated, and probably a 'rm' hint should have been provided.

Kind regards,


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