>On Sun, Nov 09, 2014 at 01:36:59PM -0700, Theo de Raadt wrote:
>> >I just updated to OpenBSD 5.6 and I was happy to see that rcp, rsh,
>> >rshd, rwho, rwhod, etc have been removed (at least according to the
>> >Changelog). However, the upgrade instructions fail to mention that files
>> >like /etc/rc.d/rwhod or /usr/bin/rwho should be removed.
>> How much of a catastrophy is this?
>> Question for the community:  Do you want the upgrade instructions to
>> be 100% useful, or 100% complete?
>100% complete should be the goal.
>I expect a system that is upgraded from 5.5 to 5.6 (following the
>upgrade documentation) to be in the _exact_ same state as a clean 5.6
>installation, barring changes local to the system.

Such strong words.

Basically, you are requesting others to do a lot of work.

It must be easy to sit in your chair and demand that others meet your

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