I wrote

>Someone did work out the ossia and it might be in Cornelius Noack's "tips
>and tricks". If not and if no one else provides a link, let me know and
>ferret it out. It wasn't easy to do...lots of inline TeX required.

It's in the MusiXTeX manual
in section 2.18.3. And the example isn't in PMX. This can no doubt be done
in PMX with inline TeX but it'll be pretty tricky. Your other thought about
using an EPS could probably also work, but I've only seen that in LaTeX
documents, not plain TeX; and besides, to me it's unaesthetic to have your
source spread out over more than one file. I'd suggest trying to use the
method exemplified in musixdoc together with inline TeX in PMX. If you get
stuck, that WOULD be a good problem to post on the list. Who knows, someone
might even work out a simple example based on this posting (hint, hint,


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