Hello Jeremy,

> > What do you mean by "coded safely and reliably"? (ok, perhaps this is
> > not a question to discuss without an example..)
> Well, a poorly written plugin might fail if it encounters unexpected
> data, or might leak private information in HTTP headers, or might not
> work reliably in mobile browsers, or might rely on implementation
> details in the core that are subject to change.

I understand the possible problems (even just corrupting data is a
possible one), but have no idea of criteria to be used.

> > Another thing which is unclear for me in this aspect is the
> > following.. the most direct quesion is this: will it be possible to
> > open any set of tiddlers in a tab of a browser, or instead there
> > should be some pages, each containing some tiddlers and for each
> > tiddler its container-page should be opened in a new tab?
> I'm afraid I don't understand the question, can you put it differently?

Well, let's imagine that I have a TW5 with 9 tiddlers. How many html
files would be "baked" from the wiki? Could a visitor navigate the
baked content like me in my TW (just have the same interface without
an option to edit), or he'll see html files that contain certain
tiddlers (defined during baking) and which are linked in a way,
specially defined during baking? How a prettylink will behave, if the
linked tiddler is not among baked ones?

Hans, thanks for your answers, I'll read them carefully and try the
things out a bit later.

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