>> One thing that I hope to make easy in TW5 is to be able to publish your
>> TiddlyWiki as a folder full of static HTML files that you can then whack
>> onto a webserver, giving a very resilient, lightweight way of publishing
>> stuff.
> That would be excellent. I imagine the core functionality would give pretty
> simplistic (and hopefully user-friendly) defaults, but ideally there would
> be standardized methods for plugins to extend for things like grouping
> multiple tiddlers per page, creating navigation menus, tag views. I
> personally use hierarchical tagging for all these things within my TWs,
> differentiating between "meta tags", say one branch for navigation
> (sometimes more than one), another for identifying tiddler types (glossary
> entries, fulltext vs summary etc.) and then of course normal "topic tags"
> exposed to the user (published to the web site).

You will indeed be able to do all of that. In TW5 everything is a
macro; in classic TiddlyWiki there was a lot of special case handling
for things like the main story column and tiddler links, both of which
are now implemented as ordinary macros.

>> I'm hoping to be able to support externalised tiddlers that live in files
>> outside the main HTML file, allowing things like plugins to be easily shared
>> between wikis.
>  Hopefully for data/meta tiddlers as well?

Yes, the idea is that external tiddlers of any type should work.

>> criteria for inclusion ... around quality.
> Excellent, especially the documentation and maintenance aspects - Eric's set
> a pretty high bar there 8-)


Best wishes


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