On Thursday, February 23, 2012 5:15:12 PM UTC+7, PMario wrote:
> I'm not sure, what this post should tell me.

What I took away was "someone should write a (series of) post(s) describing 
how to accomplish X, Y and Z, both in Tiddlywiki and by using other 
available tools that may have advantages or disadvantages compared to TW.

The few times I've come across a "links to other software like this" on the 
home page of a FOSS project I'm checking out, I've been very impressed both 
by the pride/self-confidence and public-spiritedness such a list expresses.

I think TW presents a bit of a challenge, as it can be used for so many 
different things, more of a toolkit than a finished app. For my projects, I 
could productively compare it to other wiki tools, especially Zim and 
DokuWiki, Evernote (I've never left v2.2 since I don't believe in clouds 
under others' control), Tomboy, Simplenote/ResophNotes, KeyNote, KeepNote, 
CintaNotes and less so, Delicious, specifically wrt tagging/tag bundles.

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