Hi Vincent, Yakov,

Apologies from my side as well.
Yakow, you were right. I looked at the Test tiddler with a table
without the editable class and - wrongly - assumed the class was there
because I saw the 'C' button.
With the "old" TableEdit plugin you did not see any button when the
editable class was not there (and 'Edit all tables' was not checked),
but after splitting the plugin in parts Vincent made a change:
"TWTable 1.4.0: Keeps the 'C' button for easy configuration at
all ..."
I just forgot that - in this case - important change.
And since Yakov saw also only the 'C' button ...

So my MTC made for TWTable 1.4.3 and TWted 1.4.3 works and shows both
buttons when looking at the right table.

But I still cannot explain why I saw both buttons over http. It has
something to do with cookies because after deleting TW related
cookies, I did not see the 'E' button anymore over http.



On Nov 4, 1:00 am, Yakov <yakov.litvin.publi...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Yes, appologies, I can install the plugin, even current version from the
> "official repository" (1.4.3/1.4.3) and it works.
> Some new notes:
> * a tiddler with the following text (named "test" here) causes a bug:
> "
> !!!!Section
> !!!!!!end
> |let's move the colomns|c
> |h-cell1|h-cell2|h-cell3|h-cell4|h
> |c13|c11|c12|c14|
> |c34|c21|c22|c24|
> <<tiddler [[test##Section]]>>
> "
> The bug is the following: pressing E brings the edit mode, but pressing E
> again doesn't stop it; instead, there's funny "animation" :)
> * all the "add colomn", "paste colomn content" and "delete colomn
> operations" stop edit mode (need to click E again to continue editing),
> which is somewhat interrupting
> * some more mess with styling: in shadows (ToolbarCommands and probably
> some generated by plugins) the tedBody wrapper has a border while it's 100%
> widths and a table has lesser widths; in PluginManager there's something
> with cell widths (depending on the txtTWtableMinCellWidth parameter) and
> text alignment
> Best regards,
> Yakov.

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