Hello Shay Shaked 

> I'm deep into my second year using TW, mostly as a journal. 

I do exactly that. From travel expenses to training sessions.

I love TW, and I've been always looking to use it on my phone (Android, 
> Nexus 5X) as a note taking app, possibly as Google Keep replacement.

Me too

OK yes, TW  is not *meant *for quick note taking, at least not that way, 
> and requires some care to really make things shine out (my online Wiki is 
> an example I'm proud of). 
I have the same requirements as you. That's why I go through the journey of 
creating my own app.

> *First question*: Am I right? Have you used TW as your preferred quick 
> notes app on your phone, and if so, what's your method? 
As I said, yes I do. 

My strategy is composed of several parts, but it is heavily based on my own 
tiddlywiki edition: https://noteself.github.io 

The first part of my strategy is to create a VERY SPECIFIC form for adding 
the kind of information that I usually add. This includes input text with 
auto-completion, select lists, and that stuff. Then I have a dashboard 
tiddlers with several tabs with one form on each tab

The second part of my strategy includes the usage of my NoteSelf android 
app. The cool thing is that I can share a text from any other application 
and it will be added as a tiddler. Not the most useful thing in the world, 
but saves some keystrokes.

The third part of my app consist on the multi device synchronization of 
NoteSelf. 99% of my content is produced while I'm on my laptop. Thanks to 
the multi device sync I can create basic versions of the tiddlers on mobile 
and then I edit properly on my laptop. For scrapping snippets and links 
what I usually do is share the link with my android app and then copy the 
snippet when I arrive to my home.

> *Second question: *How stable do you think is TW, and is it here to stay? 
> How do you keep tabs? How often? 

I've been using it for years. But I really think that is a better idea to 
close the tab when you are not using it. Tiddlywiki does not manage 
over-writings very well. Even using NoteSelf, which uses a database shared 
across all the tabs I don't usually keep them open.

> And a question that follows from that, one that I ask again because it's 
> been a while: how and where do you learn about new plugins or features that 
> are useful for you? Themes? 
Here on the group. Sadly, it is VERY HARD to keep visibility when you 
publish a new plugin. There is a list on reddit, but I'm not sure how up to 
date it is.

> *Third question: *What do you, TW users, use as your favorite note taking 
> app and your To-Do app, if it's *not *TW? 

I use Tiddlywiki for everything except for TODOS. The reason behind this is 
that I need reminders, widgets, repetitions, notifications... and that is 
not possible wit TW at the moment. I also like keeping my notes apart from 
my todos. 
However, I have plans to allow Tiddlywiki to raise android notifications 
when running on my android app, but that is just a future plan.


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