
I think this could be an independent solution. ANd alias may be away to go, 
but I am thinking more with a view to core one day, perhaps that's where a 
simplified alias should go as well?


On Friday, 18 September 2020 at 20:55:56 UTC+10 PMario wrote:

> I'll give it an  ---------------- OT ----------------- marker. 
> But it is slightly related. 
> You are right. "readable" wikitext shouldn't contain the $:/xxx/yyy/zzzz 
> namespace. 
> I was already thinking about the possibility to use my uni-link plugin 
> <>with the custom-markup 
> plugin. 
> At the moment unilink allows you to give every tiddler an "aliases" field, 
> which can contain several aliases. 
> At the moment it will _not_ use "shadow" tiddlers for speed reasons. We 
> know, that no core shadows use aliases atm. This would need to be changed. 
> [[aliasName|?]] will create a link to any tiddler including system 
> tiddlers. 
> [[AliAsNaMe|?]] is _not_ case sensitive, this gives the user the 
> possibility to nicely use it in prose text. eg: At the start of the line. 
> [[aliasName|?c]] will show the caption field as the link text. 
> [[aliasName|?myField]] can use any field. 
> ------
> The right sidebar More: Aliases tab gives an overview about used aliases. 
> The plugin comes with 2 new toolbars to improve usability of aliases. 
> There are some filter functions for alias-backlinks ... and so on. 
> IMO . It should be possible to use \importcustom [[alias|?]] ... BUT I'm 
> not sure if this is an advantage already. 
> ---------------
> I was hesitating to allow [[alias|?{]]  or something similar as a 
> representation for {{real tiddler name}}
> The only reason to do that, would be the "backlinks" mechanism would work 
> for these links. 
> just some thoughts.
> -m

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