This article lists glyphs supported by an intersection of a set of fonts 
Perhaps we could take this list and present it in a tiddler, in a large 
font size and put it out to the user forum for people to test and report if 
all the glyphs are visible. Perhaps also in an empty.html at a URL people 
can just open an review on their various devices?

Here is my initial draft  Glyphs 5.1.23-prerelease — Identifying reliable 
Unicode Glyphs on TiddlyWiki Build Date ( 
So far up looking at  to 65000 on Windows 10 (Chrome, FireFox and Edge) 
most are honoured however I have various local fonts that may be doing this.
Android also works mostly.

On Friday, 27 November 2020 at 20:21:22 UTC+11 @TiddlyTweeter wrote:

> Ciao TonyM
> TonyM wrote:
>> The thing I find frustrating is fonts seem not to document the "code 
>> pages" they include.  There must be Unicode rich ones available for linux 
>> and apple and other devices as there is for Windows. 
> I agree. *Frustrating* is the word. It is one of those areas of OS 
> process that is simultaneously BRILLIANT and CONFUSING.
> It is *brilliant *in that modern glyph end-usage got so much easier. 
> Thanks to Unicode + improved Font File Architecture + Substitution 
> metadata. 
> It is *confusing* in that the OS+software mediated process of 
> substitution actually now makes it difficult to answer simple questions 
> about which fonts to use where---because the substitution process 
> transparently does it automatically. Unraveling that is really for an 
> expert in that specific field now.
> I did some tests in TW to see if I could get it to use a special Test Font 
> that Adobe provide which indexes ALL Unicode code points to a "blank." 
> Doing that you can, in theory, set a CSS cascade such that you effectively 
> switch-off substitution (i.e. cascade: Font, BlankFont). that make it quick 
> and easy to know which fonts truly hold a glyph.
> Unfortunately Windows 10 doesn't directly support the indexing method the 
> AdobeBlankVF font file uses. 
> I'm still playing around with the idea though.
> Best wishes
> TT

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