TonyM wrote:

> This article lists glyphs supported by an intersection of a set of fonts 
> <>.
> Perhaps we could take this list and present it in a tiddler, in a large 
> font size and put it out to the user forum for people to test and report if 
> all the glyphs are visible. Perhaps also in an empty.html at a URL people 
> can just open an review on their various devices?

 The problem with that "intersection" (nice idea) is it does NOT really 
work to illuminate what is going on.

All that entering those glyphs would show is that somewhere in the "global 
font hierarchy" a character in a font (a character in some registered font 
somewhere) those glyphs exist.

It is unfortunate that there is little explicitness in most documentation 
that CHARACTER substitution is ADDITIVE to FONT CASCADE.
In CSS cascade you can MATCH on font but FAIL on CHARACTER. At that point 
another method of substitution arises that, as far as I can see, CSS 
doesn't fully control. The substitution "pretends" that the glyph exists in 
a font when actually it doesn't. It is an invisible process.

In reality, the "full substitution-stack", roughly speaking is: (1) CSS 
Font Cascade  > (2) Browser Cascade/Stack > (3) OS Font Stack. Not all OS, 
or browsers, handle this substitution logic the same way.
FYI (OS) Substitution rules read header data in Fonts to determine match to 
the nearest consanguineous font character in another similar looking font 
first. Etc. etc

This is a short way of saying: *What that would show is Machine Support, 
Not Specific CSS font support. *

*That is good!* But it isn't really providing the full clarity needed to 
pin down UNambigous reliability for markup glyphs.

Best wishes

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