Hi Teresa,
I echo the other mails you have received, try and see another Dr or pain clinic. I have had TM for 12 years, T8/9 paraplegic with SLE and am currently going through the pain clinic to adjust my meds (as it is 6 years since my last review) and try some other methods, eg. I go next week for a trial with a TENS unit, to help with the pain. I have had a fairly good run over the last 6 years on MS Contin along with amitriptyline, mexiletine and Celebrex. Unfortunately it is not a pain that all Drs will identify with and often we have trouble describing it accurately. When I was first diagnosed one Dr (a Professor!) had the bright idea of severing my spinal cord as that would stop all the pain (!!) Needless to say I immediately sought another opinion. Hope you can find someone who understands and can help you.
Be well, Love Karyne

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