Jim is absolutely right about the first stem cell bill killed in the house.  Those who voted against that bill should be ashamed of themselves.   I also know that there are some forms of stem cell research that DON'T GET PRESS or any amount of discussion.  Take cord blood stem cells.  Lets talk about that. How much chatter do we hear about the thousands of babies born each day whose life saving cells contained in the cord are discarded instead of being saved for research or better yet to cure that child of all kinds of nasty stuff as he/she grows.   I am third generation MS and wonder what will happen to my only child who was born before there were methods to save the cord available.
What about harvesting your own cells which can be grown and  returned to you without rejection like other transplanted cells, tissue or organs. 
We know so very little in this country because we cant get past the embryo discussion.  Places that do research and treatment with stem cells say very little publicly for fear of trouble.  Even if they don't use embryonic cells.
Truth be told, the cell types Jim described are just as promising but don't get the media attention they should.
Let support the wide variety of stem cell research and stop fighting over the kind we all know is too controversial to fund with tax $$.  Lets figure out what we have in common and move on that first.  The rest will follow.  I am certain that all those who want embryo research will get it done. 
And in a few years we can all decide which kind of transplant we want.  Wouldn't that be a better discussion to have?  
Sandy who is thinking this is the last time she is going to write on this subject. 
----- Original Message -----
From: Jim Lubin
Sent: Sunday, July 23, 2006 11:51 AM
Subject: Re: [TMIC] This I cant believe

Not all stem cell research is the same. I am all for stem cell research that does not involve taking (what I consider) another life to improve my life. I will not do whatever it takes to make life better. It's just like organ donation, I would not want someone killed for me to receive a transplant. Removing stem cells from an embryo kills the embryo. You are not removing stem cells from something that has already died. Since there are other sources of stem cells that do not involve the purposeful taking of a life, that research SHOULD be pursued.

Are you aware that there were 2 bills that were going through Congress? The Alternative Pluripotent Stem Cell Therapies Enhancement Act pass unanimously by the Senate but was killed by the Democrats in the House for purely political reasons (I looked up the votes). They did not want President Bush to be able to sign this one so they could claim he is against all stem cell research when he vetoed the Stem Cell Research Enhancement Act. If it was such a simple right or wrong then Congress should have been easily able to gather enough votes to override the veto.

At 10:52 PM 7/22/2006, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  WOW I honestly cant believe anyone of you that is paralyzed or have LOVED ones that are can say they do NOT  want stem cell research ... Babies are aborted every minute whether we agree with that at all ...It happens and will continue to happen.... No I do not believe in it but it still happens..... Babies are born every minute all this and more ways I do not even know about can be used..... PLEASE if their was any way to save my daughter I would DO ANYTHING....so no i do not understand you people that have a problem with any research that MIGHT  help you or our LOVED ONES....????????????????????

Jim Lubin              
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