Dear Grace,
What a wonderful answer.  I share your point of view but respect the views of others also.
It makes so much more sense for this debate to happen here rather than with people who have nothing to gain from stem cell research/use.


On 24/07/06, grace53a <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hello.  My name is Grace.  I have aggressive neuromyelitis optica, (Devic's Disease.) and have experienced five attacks in the last year alone.  It is extremely likely that in the end, I will die blind and helpless, as a result of either respiratory failure from brain stem involvement, or from a superinfection caused by the large amounts of immunosuppressants that I must take daily in the attempt to ward off another attack.  I'd love to see a cure---but, with so many other means of harvesting available stem cells, I stand firm in my belief that to use a human embryo, specifically for the purpose of harvesting it's cells, is morally unacceptable.  Something occurred to me today---how many individuals would be willing to create an embryo with their spouse or partner, for the sole purpose of killing it at 12 days to harvest stem cells?  Not many, I'm thinking.   You must remember that the stem cell issue is a very divided one---even here at our list, where so many suffer from varying degreees of disability.  I've heard comments from some about being in a chair---well, I'd love the guarantee of knowing that I would still live, whether sitting in my chair or not.   It also amazes me that so many are uneducated as to the stem cell procedure, and that they refuse to even consider any other type of stem cell harvesting.  I just think that we should all be a bit more respectful to opposing points of view. 

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