Jude~ You have been missed. I was just about to send the Marines out looking
for you. What great news.

You sound awesome. Life here on the list goes on as usual. Lots of good
info.  People sharing their honest feelings about how TM has changed their
lives. It's good, it's all good. So welcome back!!!




Sent: Thursday, March 01, 2007 9:47 PM
To: tmic-list@eskimo.com
Subject: [TMIC] New Address...please add to your address book


Hi Guys,


I'm Baaaaack...Oh I missed you all so much!  I haven't been online in, well
it seems like, forever.  Now I am excited to be back on the list.  What's
been going on?  Did I miss anything?


I have good news.  Saw a neurologist for the first time in five years...said
there is nothing new for me...I knew that.  Then I went to Tissue Trauma and
that was another story.  The nurse in charge is getting me hooked up with
some of the programs for the disabled in the area.


She put some foam dressings on my pressure sores and I am pain free for the
first time in a long, long time.  Things are finally looking up.


How has everyone been?  I hope that there is no bad news to hear...What
about new members?


Those of you who write me regularly, do so at this new address.  My
replacement computer would not let me sign on with my previous address...who
knows why?


Anyway, catch me up on all the latest...


Peace and Prayers,



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