Once again, my Neurologist recently explained to me that the  kind of pain 
that we with TM deal with, (neuropathic nerve pain) is different  than other 
kinds of pain and extremely difficult to treat.  One of the main  problems with 
neuropathic pain is that the pain can be felt at one place on the  body, but 
that place, such as the bottom of the feet, may not be where the pain  is 
actually originating.
Therefore, we may be feeling pain in the bottoms of our feet,  but the pain 
may actually be coming from somewhere else, triggered by...say  "pressure 
sores" on our behinds.  So, the doctors aren't sure what to focus  on and in my 
case it is impossible for the neurologist to know where the pain is  actually 
coming from.  
So, I am treated for the pressure sores, and for the things  that can be 
seen, either with the eye or by MRI or other tests.  The pain  in the bottom of 
feet does not get treated because there is nothing there  that shows up by 
x-ray, blood tests,  etc.  It is too much to ask that  the doctors treat things 
that show no proof of being there.
My doctor treats me for the horrible neuropathic pain that  originates from 
the lesion caused by TM, and for the spasms, and for the  "banding" around my 
torso (which he cannot see) and  for the pain in my  legs where they were 
I doubt if he can do anything for my feet except to give me  permission to 
take an extra pain pill if I need it,but he will only prescribe a  certain 
number of pain pills regardless of the extra pain.
For now, we concentrate on the new spasming of my upper body  and 
arms...things he can see.  If anyone does get treated for the   pain and pins 
and needles 
in their feet, please let me know, as I am supremely  interested.''
Thank you all for your friendship, prayers, and ongoing  patience.  Thank you 
for sharing your ideas, knowledge, and especially, for  your love.
Peace and Prayers,

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