b/c it will take awhile to get weened off the nuerotonin.
  You don't want to do what my doctor told me.  He told me to stop nuerotonin 
Cold Turkey & start the Lyrica the same day.  I had the worst headache for 5 
days.  I believe your doctor and/or someone here can tell a good way of weening 
off the nuerotonin & starting the Lyrica only should take a few weeks.
  I like Lyrica b/c I would forget my second dose at 3:00 and would remember 
when I started having pain.  With Lyrica, I take 2 doses, morning & evening.  
And not all the side effects.
  Good Luck, 
  Todd in CC, TX ( from someone that really likes Lyrica. )

Gerry Surette <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Have yiou tried gabapentin; Why are you taking 8 10 other meds. I am not an 
md but you should certainly check with your md. re side effects. Why do you 
want to try lyrica? gabapentin workes the same way as lyrica with no side 
effects. to me and this is my personal opinion the less drugs you take the 
better it is.
>From: robert hennessy 
>Subject: [TMIC] Date: Sun, 6 Jul 2008 12:31:30 -0400
>thanks to everyone who replied. let me clarify some of the meds i take. 
>3600 milligrams of nuerotonin/day, baclofen, zanaflex, fioricet, i also 
>take coumadin, so asperin is out of question. i also take about 9-10 other 
>drugs for various things. do you think a switch to lyrica would be worth my 
>time? b/c it will take awhile to get weened off the nuerotonin.
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