Congratulations on you're positive attitude and the astounding strides you have
  made while 'living' with tm!!  How lucky the students whose lives you will 
  they'll learn so much than those in other classes, because they'll see what a
  positive attitude and drive can accomplish!
Power to you!!  janh
robert hennessy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
      .hmmessage P  {  margin:0px;  padding:0px  }  body.hmmessage  {  
FONT-SIZE: 10pt;  FONT-FAMILY:Tahoma  }    7 years ago today, i woke up & 
couldn't move my legs. later that night, in the ER, everything changed; for the 
worse. my bladder shut down (i felt like i really had to pee, although i 
couldn't go, so a catheter was inserted & the most terrible-colored liquid came 
out that i have ever seen), i stopped breathing, so i was put on a breathing 
machine, my whole upper body basically stopped working. at the time i was a 
C-4. throughout my 3-4 week stay at the hospital i gradually made it up to a 
C-6 level, which is where i am today. after i left the hospital, i went to the 
rehabilitation hospital of indiana (RHI) i was here for 3 months & then i went 
home. from september of 01' (when i came home) to december of 02' i was 
hospitalized no less than 18 times for UTI's (urinary tract infections) that 
had progressed into kidney infections. these were literally the sickest
 days of my life (hopefully forever). i'm talking fevers of 105 & 
hallucinating! then i had a tendon transfer, to give me a better grip, then a 
muscle transfer, to give me a tricept and finally a iliostomy. after my 
iliostomy i have not been back to the hospital. throughout all of this i 
managed to go back to school & get my B.S. in Psychology. i graduated in 
December of 06'. i am now 27 & am going back to school to get my masters in 
education. so, hopefully in 2 years, i will be making a difference in the lives 
of kids. i & the rest of y'all can bring the most most important experience to 
the table in everything we do: LIFE EXPERIENCE. thank you very much-

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