I'm sure you'll get different responses regarding switching from Neuron to 
Lyrica and how it should be done, because doctors have different approaches.  
However, I'll tell you my experience, because it worked for me.  I had been 
taking 600mg  4x daily of Neurontin for over two years.  One evening I took my 
last Neurontin and the following began taking 75mg Lyrica every 12 hours.  The 
only side affect was a slight headache for a day or two.  Lyrica works much 
faster than Neurontin and lasts longer.

Patti - Michigan
---- robert hennessy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 
> thanks to everyone who replied. let me clarify some of the meds i take. 3600 
> milligrams of nuerotonin/day, baclofen, zanaflex, fioricet, i also take 
> coumadin, so asperin is out of question. i also take about 9-10 other drugs 
> for various things. do you think a switch to lyrica would be worth my time? 
> b/c it will take awhile to get weened off the nuerotonin. 
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