Hi Bernie,   Rosalie here, now in sunny Florida.   Just  went for an 
evaluation with the bioness system (walk aid).  It is used for  drop foot and 
helps to 
lift your ankle up so you dont drag on the floor.   Didn't work for me.  
However my foot doesnt really drag so  much.   I thought it might help with the 
walking but it is only for  your ankle.  I spend most of my time in the power 
chair anyhow because if I  walk with the walker I cant stand on my own when I 
get to where I am going, like  the kitchen.  Hope you are as well as can be and 
not feeling too much of  the cold on Long Island.  Take care, Rosalie
In a message dated 11/21/2008 8:22:48 A.M. Eastern Standard Time,  

Hi Jeanne - congrats on your progress! - it is also my  goal to walk without 
walker. I hope I can but I was diagnosed with MS after  TM. My neuro wants me 
to go for an evaluation for "walk aide" - a gadget you  strap to your calf to 
jolt you when you are trying to take a step, and also a  new med coming out 
next year - we'll see. First I have to get off my butt  & exercise more but in 
the evening I am too pooped from working all day  & can't do it in the morning 
because then I'll be too pooped at  work!

 From: jrushton  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, November  20, 2008 7:32 PM
Subject: Re:  [TMIC] Re: tmic-digest Digest V2008 #431

Amanda, you couldn't have come to a better  group.  We go clear across the 
chart in where we are in our post TM onset  so you will have a lot of support.  
I don't think anyone really knows  where each person will be with their TM.  
Some do improve right away,  some improve partially from the onset, others take 
longer and then sadly, a  few where there aren't many changes from the onset. 

I  was totally paralyzed from the chest down and after the first week was 
able to  move my left toe.  After three weeks, I was able to sit up and move my 
legs but still could not walk but was determined to get better.  With  prayer 
and PT I progressed from a wheelchair full time, to a walker and  wheelchair, 
to a wheelchair with shopping and traveling, and now can  walk, drive, and get 
around pretty darn well from where I started.  I  walk like a drunk and 
always take a cane if I'm going anywhere but by gosh, I  can do it!!!  I still 
don't have the feeling back from the chest down  even tho I have sensation here 
and there.  There are others who have come  a whole lot further than I have.  
Each case is  different. 
Please take care and although I wish this hadn't  happened to you, you are 
welcome as sunshine to this new family of  supporters!
Jeanne in Dayton,  WA

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