
I'm using the WalkAide since mid May.  I'm in a 3 (three) year Clinical Trial 
here in Alberta.  Not everyone is able to use it depending on if they can find 
the pathway for the Peroneal nerve.  I was one of 3 out of 13 people they had 
tested when I first got it.  Out of the 13 at the clinic at that time only 3 of 
us turned out to be eligible.  There are probably more now.  It took a while 
for me to get used to it.  At first it stabbed me like a darning needle. But 
eventually they found the right spot and it feels like a river of sensation 
going from the point that electrode contacts the nerve down my leg to my toes.  
It lifts my toes. The biggest advantage I have found is that I do not 
'hip-hike' like I did and my leg is much less tired by the end of the day.  I 
know that in the Orthotist Clinic that I go to they had 2 people with MS, 2 
stroke patients and 2 people with TM at one point.  Worth a try especially if 
it is covered by your insurance or something else.  I know that I only had to 
pay $500. but the price would be about $4500. if I had to pay for it myself.  
When I was 'hip-hiking' so much I found I was getting a cortisone shot in my 
hip every 6 months to alleviate the pain.

Heather in Calgary 
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Butcher, Bernard G (NY80) 
  To: jrushton ; [EMAIL PROTECTED] ; tmic 
  Sent: Friday, November 21, 2008 6:22 AM
  Subject: RE: [TMIC] Re: tmic-digest Digest V2008 #431

  Hi Jeanne - congrats on your progress! - it is also my goal to walk without 
walker. I hope I can but I was diagnosed with MS after TM. My neuro wants me to 
go for an evaluation for "walk aide" - a gadget you strap to your calf to jolt 
you when you are trying to take a step, and also a new med coming out next year 
- we'll see. First I have to get off my butt & exercise more but in the evening 
I am too pooped from working all day & can't do it in the morning because then 
I'll be too pooped at work!


  From: jrushton [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  Sent: Thursday, November 20, 2008 7:32 PM
  Subject: Re: [TMIC] Re: tmic-digest Digest V2008 #431

  Amanda, you couldn't have come to a better group.  We go clear across the 
chart in where we are in our post TM onset so you will have a lot of support.  
I don't think anyone really knows where each person will be with their TM.  
Some do improve right away, some improve partially from the onset, others take 
longer and then sadly, a few where there aren't many changes from the onset.  

  I was totally paralyzed from the chest down and after the first week was able 
to move my left toe.  After three weeks, I was able to sit up and move my legs 
but still could not walk but was determined to get better.  With prayer and PT 
I progressed from a wheelchair full time, to a walker and wheelchair, to a 
wheelchair with shopping and traveling, and now can walk, drive, and get around 
pretty darn well from where I started.  I walk like a drunk and always take a 
cane if I'm going anywhere but by gosh, I can do it!!!  I still don't have the 
feeling back from the chest down even tho I have sensation here and there.  
There are others who have come a whole lot further than I have.  Each case is 

  Please take care and although I wish this hadn't happened to you, you are 
welcome as sunshine to this new family of supporters!

  Jeanne in Dayton, WA

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