That is a good way to describe our body "thermostats" and I even looked up the 
definition online and Urban Dictionary says:

Cattywhompus:  Off kilter, off, disorderly; not quite right, bizarre

It is quite uncomfortable to have the cold penetrate right into the bones (even 
when the air temperature isn't all that cold) and a bunch of blankets doesn't 
seem to help.

Gary in Michigan

-- Original Message ----- 

  From: Jan Hargrove 
  To: jrushton ; tmic-list 
  Sent: Sunday, November 30, 2008 10:44 AM
  Subject: Re: [TMIC] Too Cold

        Below, in the note from Jeanne, is the PERFECT definition of how our 
systems work!! Thanks for 
        the best way to describe our life with TM, Jeanne! janh
        j--- On Sat, 11/29/08, jrushton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

          I think with the TM, our built-in thermostats are completely 

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