Lack of Proprioception

Proprioception is the ability to know where each and every part of your body is 

Before TM I typed 70 words per minute with few mistakes.  I took the typing 
course in junior high school, then decided to be an English Major in College, 
and just got better and better. I took a 23 year breather while practicing 
medicine, then got back into writing (Typing) only to be struck down with TM 15 
months later, Aug 2000.  Within several months my typing was down to 5, five, 
words per minutes with constant mistakes.  My fingers had lost the ability to 
fly out and down to hit the right key.  I had, have, to look at my fingers, so 
don't see my mistakes on the screen.

Practice does not make my finger do any better.

I hope that helps


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