PT needs to be done for each person, at their ability level. If you can only
move a toe, move that toe. If you can't move anything, than I don't know
what they do for you. No one should ever tell anyone what PT to do or not to
do. If you feel better after moving some, and your doctor says it is OK for
you, than do it. I myself do exercise at a gym and started out in PT over 9
years ago. It has helped me so much and not only helps my mobility, it helps
keep my bones strong, etc. I saw Dr. Kerr starting when he opened his
practice and he advocates exercise and always has told me if you can do it,
go for it. 

Exercise hurts healthy people, building muscle hurts, that is just how it
is. You get tired, but so do healthy people. I like to sleep, so if I sleep
a bit longer and more soundly on gym day, more power to me. Others I know
that exercise feel the same way and would never stop, it helps us a ton.

If you feel better using your legs for a few hours, use them, maybe in time
you will feel better using them for a bit longer, or it will easier for you
to use them during your 2 hours. Either way, anything that helps you feel
better and is good for you is great to keep up!



From: Trudy Ogilvie [] 
Sent: Thursday, April 16, 2009 11:12 PM
Cc: Pieter and Heather;
Subject: Re: [TMIC] Balance


So does this mean you think that PT is meaningless? Why do my legs feel
better after a work out than when I get up from my chair after 2 hours of
answering e-mail, paying the bills, throwing out all the junk mail and
making doctor appointments. Do you honestly feel that it's a waste of
time???  Seriously my friend, I am interested  in your opinion in whether PT
is worth the effort.

I thought you once said that exercise was very important for us??

I could be wrong, it's happened maybe once before  :) 


P.S. You never did announce the winner of what to do about your falling down
and really injuring yourself.... but I'll forgive you.... I guess it was
much more serious than you thought originally.  I am so sorry you wound up
in the hospital.....   I hope you are doing better.


On Tue, Apr 14, 2009 at 4:12 PM,
<> wrote:

 Lack of Proprioception

Proprioception is the ability to know where each and every part of your body
is spatially.

Before TM I typed 70 words per minute with few mistakes.  I took the typing
course in junior high school, then decided to be an English Major in
College, and just got better and better. I took a 23 year breather while
practicing medicine, then got back into writing (Typing) only to be struck
down with TM 15 months later, Aug 2000.  Within several months my typing was
down to 5, five, words per minutes with constant mistakes.  My fingers had
lost the ability to fly out and down to hit the right key.  I had, have, to
look at my fingers, so don't see my mistakes on the screen.

Practice does not make my finger do any better.

I hope that helps



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