Hi to All!
    When TM hit me nearly 12 years ago I was working as the CFO for a
garment center company in New York City...taking a bus the 40 miles each
way...after approx. 4 months I was able to have one of the companies
employees who lived near me in New Jersey pick me up and drive me to and
from work...at first I was only able to work 1 or 2 days a week...but
over a six month period I was working full time...and after a year I
started taking the bus by myself...I was lucky that the company I then
worked for was only one block from the bus terminal. This was the only
time I went back to using a cane due to the crowds of people in the
Times Square area where I worked. For the past 7 years I have worked in
the same capacity for a steel company which is about 3 miles from Giants
Stadium (the Meadowlands). I drive 40 miles each way from my Central New
Jersey home. I leave my house every morning at 6:30 AM and arrive back
home around 7:00....usually totally exhausted. The only reason I was
able to continue in my occupation is that I have a desk job...that is
pretty much the only reason  I was able to continue working.
    I will turn 62 in September and I am truly looking forward to
retiring in a couple of years. I am one of the lucky ones who regained
the ability to walk and drive unassisted. That being said...everything
little thing is so much more difficult to do...which is why I am always
exhausted. I do believe that working has helped me to deal with
TM...when I am busy (which is all the time) I can stop focusing on my
body and how lousy it feels 24/7.
Rob in New Jersey
PS: swimming has helped me quite a bit...especially since I started
using an underwater MP3 player...it is amazing but I feel like I can run
in the pool.....but the water must be warm!


From: Janice [mailto:jan...@centurytel.net] 
Sent: Friday, June 05, 2009 12:23 PM
To: transverse myelitis
Subject: [TMIC] Occupations

Hi Guys!
I have been curious about something for a while and since things have
kind of slowed down, want to ask you all what you did
before TM hit and if you were able to go back to it or if you are doing
something new.
I am including even those who just read these emails and don't usually
respond.   I would like to hear from everybody and would think all of us
would be interested.   I will start:
I was a school nurse's secretary/assistant in a large high school for 19
years.   I absolutely loved it - everyday was different, as
you can imagine working with high schoolers!   Our school nurse was gone
a lot to other schools we were responsible for, so
I was left alone quite a bit and handled many different situations.  I
was well trained for this and it was great.

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