Karma, Karma, Karma.... gets um back!
-------------- Original message from "Janice" <jan...@centurytel.net>: --------------

> You are right. Those of us who have not had to fight society and family
> are extremely fortunate. Couldn't help but notice
> that the people causing you two so much grief ended up with worse problems.
> Wonder where that came from?! Janice
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Kevin Wolfthal"
> To: ;
> Sent: Saturday, June 13, 2009 6:05 AM
> Subject: Re: [TMIC] Relationships
> >
> > When TM hit me, I kept working until I no longer could. In fact I pushed
> > myself even harder than before..probably a mistake. My boss said once,
> > "what's with all the sick", never asking what was my DX. He subsequently
> > found out what "sick" was when he lost his only two sons, one to cancer
> > and the other to a heart attack. Instead of making him more
> > understanding,
> > he treated me even worse. He was eventually pushed out, but his
> > replacement
> > wasn't much better. After I left, they found out just how much work i was
> > doing, even with TM, and it took them a year to replace me. They also
> > cheated me out of my private disability benefit. Now there are many
> > layoffs there
> > because of the economy. What goes around comes around. But I miss
> > working and loved my job.
> >
> > I'm glad for you that you are happy and still able to work.
> >
> > Kevin
> >
> >
> > rj_ran...@yahoo.com wrote:
> >> Been there. I was diagnosed with ms. Year later tm. I was engaged when tm
> >> hit. The future mom n law became the embodiment of hell. I still hate
> >> her. So didn't marry. Work was a problem. After I lost my bladder I had
> >> to self cath only problem I teach and the bosses made us call to leave
> >> the room. I had to explain my situation and he cut me off in anger and
> >> said he didn't wanna hear it. It was hard enough to build up guts to tell
> >> him and for him to walk out in that manner was really upsetting. But a
> >> year later his wife had a heart attack and his second in charge, who also
> >> treated me badly, had a stroke and is in worse shape than me. I
> >> transfered and am much happier. ------Original Message------
> >> From: Kevin Wolfthal
> >> To: tmic-list@eskimo.com
> >> Subject: Re: [TMIC] Relationships
> >> Sent: Jun 12, 2009 8:06 PM
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> Never having been married, but always wanting a family, TM took away even
> >> my desire for that.
> >>
> >> My relationships, most "friends" disappeared. Relatives act like TM is
> >> contagious. Only my Mom
> >> has stayed constant. I help her the best I can, (she'll be 86 next
> >> week), and this has been a scary
> >> year. My Mom collapsed several months ago. I somehow got to her and
> >> gave her CPR, and she
> >> started to breathe again. She then spent 6 weeks in a nursing home. The
> >> rest of my family just
> >> wants to see both of us in a nursing home.
> >>
> >> Those of you who have had family and friends stick by you, consider
> >> yourself fortunate.
> >>
> >> Kevin
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> Todd Tarno wrote:
> >>
> >>> TM has made Billy & mines relationship stronger.
> >>> I did ask him when TM hit ( when we knew it was going to be a long road
> >>> to recovery ) and we had only been together for 5 years & he hadn't
> >>> signed up for this, " Do you want to stay together or not ? " He was so
> >>> bad at me for even asking the question in the first place, but I knew
> >>> then that he was in for the long road to recovery too.
> >>> I had started a cross stitch of our anniversary date, it was half done
> >>> when TM hit, but that was the first thing I finished in between naps.
> >>> lol
> >>> Now it's been 7 years with TM & we will have been together these Nov.
> >>> will be 12 years.
> >>> May all of our relationships are stronger today,
> >>> Todd in CC, TX
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> --- On *Thu, 6/11/09, Janice //* wrote:
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> From: Janice
> >>> Subject: [TMIC]
> >>> To: "transverse myelitis"
> >>> Date: Thursday, June 11, 2009, 10:38 PM
> >>>
> >>> It's Janice again. I have something else that I have wondered
> >>> about and have decided to just ask and see what is out there.
> >>> Do you feel that having TM has improved or destroyed the
> >>> love/happiness in your marriage/relationship with your partner?
> >>>
> >>>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry
> >>
> >>
> >
> >

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