Carol,What fantastic news! You must be absolutely exhausted and
exhilarated....  Please remember to take care of yourself. I am so blessed
to have a
"caregiver" just like you. Always there!
 Blessings !
"Everything is possible for one who believes,still more for one who hopes,
even more for one who loves"

On Sat, Jul 4, 2009 at 11:30 PM, <> wrote:

>  What a difference a week can make. I am so thankful to have my honey on
> the road to recovery. The doctor said today that he will be at the hospital
> a couple more weeks and then to an in patient rehab. I am voting for
> Marlette which is where he had the rehab in 2005. I know many of the
> therapists he had have moved on to bigger and better things but the new ones
> will be good too and it is much closer than the over an hour ea way I have
> been driving each day. He is off the vent and ready to start building his
> muscles back up.Thank you all for your prayers and concern.GOD is so good.
> love ya carol and jim
> ------------------------------
> Make your summer sizzle with fast and easy 
> recipes<>for the grill.

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